

Headshot of Ryval winking. (Ryval is a green dog with a blue collar)
Ryval's spaceship. It looks like a tennis ball.


Age: 23 years old

Species: Dog?

Ryval grew up in a big family. They are the oldest sibling of 6. From a young age, his parents knew immediately he was incredibly gifted. This kid could play the piano at a professional level at age 2 and could already understand what improper fractions were. All that to say she was the envy of many and made many adults cry and feel incompetent. However, despite all the despair caused by his immense talent and ability to learn anything, Ryval was still loved by all. This is due to his kind and helpful nature. Being the oldest sibling, he took care of the younger ones and became someone kind and reliable. After trying out many different career paths, he settled on being a mercenary. However, Ryval did not accept money for his services. Instead, they only demanded a simple thank you.


Ryval can do anything perfectly first try. It only took him a five minute youtube video to understand how to execute brain surgery with a 99% success rate. Ryval’s talents in combat are unmatched. He uses his trusty asparagus spear to swat away enemies or stab them in the eye. The barbs on the asparagus allow for extra rip and tear when battling enemies. They can also help in disarming the enemy if Ryval wants to use a less violent force by catching the enemy’s blade.


Ryval has an incredibly strong sense of justice. Indeed, this lime green fellow believes it is one’s duty to only do good things. As such, he has concluded the goodest actions he can do are helping free people from tyranny. There are many hints pointing towards something in his past that might have affected this, but Ryval refuses to share information about themselves that isn’t positive. There are many fan theories, one of them being the mercenary really liked the Hungry Games series.


-3 times winner of Princess Universe beauty pageant

– solved world hunger on 6 separate planets

-built the first solar powered spaceship

-dismantled 16 criminal organisations

-climbed to the fourth floor without getting out of breath

-painted the universe’s most famous painting

Ryval, a green dog with a blue collar holding a spear that's actually just a big asparagus


Ryval, just like Tomsu can be seen taking many different forms. He cares a lot about his brand so despite changing styles, he always keeps some key defining features. Of course, Ryval is bright lime green, making him very hard to miss. He also wields an asparagus staff and wears a blue collar around his neck. You can also recognize Ryval by the sweet smell of lettuce. Many believe he can photosynthesize.



Gunther, an orange fish with a blue fin who is smiling widely


Age: 282 years old?

Species: Goldfish

Gunther’s past is a really big mystery as he claims he’s only gained consciousness about 3 years ago. During those three years he’s lived on the run from the authorities hopping from ship to ship. During his travels he’s met many different people who have taught him a wide variety of skills. Despite all this, he still hasn’t been able to make a friend.

Gunther likes to say he’s the lost prince of a forgotten planet, who will one day return there and rule over many solar systems. So far, he hasn’t really met anyone closely resembling him so his family and origins remain a mystery.


Although Gunther wields a banana gun as his main weapon, his aim is actually really bad. He makes up for it by shooting multiple times in the same general direction. This habit has made people fear him as they call him the universe’s Bullet Storm. Whether he’s aiming at you or not, you better be careful if he ever starts shooting. Gunther has also learnt many different skills from his time aboard different ships. He can cook a really good soup, perform laser eye surgery (with a 40% success rate), clean windows, paint cars and teach grade 1 math.  


Gunther doesn’t really have a reason for anything he does other than he thinks it could be fun or funny. This causes him to make questionable choices but he somehow always makes it out alive. When faced with an incredibly hard decision, he usually just flips a coin to decide as he says it’s a waste of time choosing and that he’d much rather live the consequences rather than think of them. Whatever that means.

Near Death Experiences

-caught fin in a blender

-drank expired milk

-threw a rock in an airplane’s propeller


-licked a battery

-hugged a bear

-choked on a tennis ball

-fell out the window

-touched lava

-stared at the sun for too long

-tried to do a cool skateboard trick

-stepped on a lego


Gunther has shiny orange scales and blue fins making him highly visible from far away. He can also be spotted holding a banana. Gunther loves to sing and dance so you’ll very often hear him before you see him. His voice is similar to that of a muppet. Gunther prefers to have legs because his break dance routines aren’t the same without them but he can also choose to remove them which allows him to take on a more aerodynamic form.



Tomsu's spaceship.
It's shaped like a fish, orange purple and yellow.


Age: 22 years old

Species: cat?

Tomsu was raised by his mother on a carrot farm. In his early childhood, these carrots were only used for food but as science developed, vegetables gained a new purpose: weapons. Their immense offensive power could be used to conquer the universe and all of time and space. This lead to the farm changing from supplying food for the population to supplying weapons for the military. Tomsu’s own carrot was hand-grown by their mother. Rumors say it is imbued with magic, rendering Toms invincible on the battlefield.


Tomsu can fight. He’s also got a great affinity for stealing. He’s not the greatest at being subtle but usually compensates for that with his incredible combat skills.


Tomsu is motivated by 2 things: food and money. Tomsu’s main goal is to be able to support his family financially. Thus, he sends most of his pay back to his mother, as he usually steals if he needs anything.

Tomsu (a purple cat with an orange scarf) holding his carrot and looking cute



-driving without a license




-bodily harm


-and much more

tomsu (angry purple cat with orange scarf) beaten up and sitting behind a sign labeled bad cat


Tomsu has many different forms. In the game, the player only encounters the basic pixel one. However, evidence from the ending hints that this cat is able to travel between dimensions. Despite going from photorealistic to vectorized, Tomsu still keeps some key features. It is important to be able to recognize him as this could make the difference of whether or not you’ll keep your wallet. Tomsu is typically purple with yellow eyes. Additionally, he is often seen wielding a sharpened carrot and wearing a matching orange scarf. Apart from these visual cues, you could also identify him by his driving skills. They are non-existent. Tomsu cannot drive and makes that everybody else’s problem. Unfortunately, space is very big, so Tomsu has lots of hiding spots to go to if ever the police gets too intense.

Realistic fluffy black cat with an orange scarf.