So yeah, I’m a bit of a gamer.
How would I picture myself in the future? Before I might have said taller, but at my age I don’t think I’ll be reaching 6’ anytime soon. I’m still hesitant about choosing a specific job or goal but I’m interested in becoming a game designer. I hope one day I’ll be able to come up with some amazing ideas for games and work with a team of developers and other designers. I want to create something fun and exciting for people to play.
My passion for games isn’t new. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to play video games. Whether individually on my DS or on the Wii with my family. These moments of collaboration or rivalry really brought the family together and it was something we could all enjoy, no matter our age.
Making games for others and coming up with interesting stories has always been a part of my life. I have always been a creative kid, drawing, writing and imagining whole new worlds. Together with my brother, we would invent games with storylines and specific rules. We would play together for hours in these imaginary worlds. I even made a trading card game by hand.
What started me on the path to becoming a game designer was making a short video game in Bitsy. With my team, we came up with a story and the characters and then I created the visuals, puzzles and all the dialogues for the little characters spread out over the map.
Making this game was really fun for me but the best part was seeing other people play it. The little comments I got were really motivating to me. When someone found a certain dialogue funny or thought the little 2 frame animations were cute or when they liked how the background looked or the little easter eggs I hid around, it made all the time I put into making the game worth it. It also allowed me to see where there are flaws in the game and how I can improve it. It pushes me to think of ways to make the game easier to understand while still making it a fun challenge.
If you’d like to check out the game Tomsu click on this link: