Find the tangent line of the function x3+y3=9 to achieve your goals.
Can’t find it? Me neither. I’ve tried more than a dozen times and I still don’t see the little green box saying, “Your answer is correct”. But that’s OK! I will not break down in tears! Everyone knows university students don’t cry.
Every time I want to have a mental breakdown and throw my math book out the window, I remind myself we must suffer to achieve our dreams. Learning math brings me one step closer to being able to attend my ideal university program.
I want to become a game designer and so, I need to go to university. The program I aim for is the Computation Arts/Computer Science double major. This will allow me to learn more about the computer science aspect of video games while simultaneously improving my design skills. However, before I can get accepted, I need to get the prerequisites which means I must learn about derivatives. Thankfully, every problem I solve improves my abilities. If I continue solving math problems, I will finally gain enough skills to be able to calculate 14 minus 8 without counting on my fingers.
Outside of school, I also want to gain some work experience. With the heavy workload of cégep, I prefer not to have a job to concentrate on my projects and assignments. However, once school ends and summer starts, I will be free to look for employment.
I would love to be able to find something creative and fun, such as working in the video game field or the design field. My current abilities allow me to design websites, posters, newsletters, and social media posts but I am also interested in learning more about the video game industry.
What is most important to me, above working in a field I am interested in, is working with good people. It makes a whole world of difference when you can get along with coworkers. Everything becomes more pleasant, and collaboration is so much easier.
Overall, for my stage, I hope I will be able to get something that relates to the video game field. If not, I would be very happy working in graphic and web design! Hopefully somewhere I feel welcome and look forward to seeing my coworkers.